Tagged “sexual abuse”

Lowlife Hypocrites

It’s probably too late, but if not, somebody should ask MinistrySafe for their opinion on serial pedophile Steven Sitler living in the same home as a child for whom he entertains “deviant sexual fantasies.” What a bunch of lowlife hypocrites, sitting through a seminar on sexual abuse while a little boy in their denomination goes to sleep each night within arms’ reach of a sexual predator.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017 |

“Prominent conservative Reformed theologian Doug Wilson . . .”

Prominent conservative Reformed theologian Doug Wilson has a documented history of mishandling sexual abuse cases within his congregation. Nevertheless, he continues to be promoted by evangelical leaders such as John Piper, whose Desiring God site still publishes Wilson’s work. When a 13-year-old girl in Wilson’s congregation was sexually abused, Wilson argued that she and her abuser were in a parent-sanctioned courtship, and that this was a mitigating factor.
Kathryn Brightbill, LA Times

Saturday, November 11, 2017 |

On Flimflam

Doug Wilson the flimflam man

Wordsmith Doug Wilson declared Jamin Wight guilty of a crime that does not exist and he defended Jamin Wight against a criminal accusation that the state never charged because it too does not exist. Continue reading

Saturday, March 26, 2016 |

Guest Post: On Consent

by Boudica

Motions in Limine: consent

“As my letter makes plain, Jamin was guilty of sexual behavior with a girl who was below the age of consent. She was underage. Our letter acknowledged fully that Jamin was guilty of criminal behavior, and we wanted him to pay the penalty for that criminal behavior, which was a species of statutory rape.” — Douglas Wilson Continue reading

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 |

“Child Abuse” — Randy Booth

Child abuse and neglect comes in many forms: physical, sexual and emotional. It also ranges in degree, duration and affect. Most of us feel great sympathy and empathy for any child who is subject to any type of abuse or neglect as well as disgust and outrage toward those who commit such acts against innocent children. These defenseless and helpless little ones need to be rescued and loved.
Randy Booth

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 |